Wilson, P. R. (2002). Cataractonium:. York: Council for British Archaeology. https://doi.org/10.5284/1081742. Cite this using datacite

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Roman Catterick and its hinterland. Excavations and research, 1958--1997 Part I
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Council for British Archaeology Research Reports
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Publication Type:
Monograph (in Series)
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Based on excavations by Professor J S Wacher and by the author in and around the Roman small town in the area where Dere Street crossed the River Swale along with work by E J W Hildyard on the southern part of the A1 Catterick Bypass, Professor R J Cramp at RAF Catterick, Mrs S Thubron and the Richmondshire Excavation Group at Catterick Bridge and further small-scale recording by Mr D and Mrs S Thubron at Bainesse. Later excavations by P Cardwell for North Yorkshire County Council on the western part of the Catterick Triangle site and Mrs S Thubron's watching brief on a cemetery alongside Dere Street north of the Roman town and on a pipeline that followed a transect through the town. Civilian and military occupation is attested. This first of two volumes deals with the following:
The authors of this publication or report
Pete R Wilson ORCID icon
The publisher of the publication or report
Council for British Archaeology
Year of Publication
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International Standard Book Number
1 902771 23 0
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Subjects / Periods:
Forts (Roman Auxiliary) (BIAB)
Pottery Industry (BIAB)
Pottery [Dated] (BIAB)
Vicus/I (BIAB)
Roman (BIAB)
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Editorial Expansion:North Yorkshire
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BIAB (The British & Irish Archaeological Bibliography (BIAB))
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Created Date
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Created Date:
14 Aug 2002

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Download available from the ADS icon J Price
22 - 23
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34 - 36
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36 - 45
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John Wacher
46 - 122
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Download available from the ADS icon Pete R Wilson
John Wacher
122 - 138
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Download available from the ADS icon Peter Cardwell
Pete R Wilson
217 - 223
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Pete R Wilson
223 - 231
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232 - 234
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235 - 238
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D Thubron
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North Yorkshire County Archaeology Section
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