Sturgess, J. and Motley, C. (2022). Historic Building Recording and Archaeological Watching Brief at The Piggery, Rooke Farm, Chapel Amble. Cornwall Archaeological Unit. Cite this using datacite

The title of the publication or report
Historic Building Recording and Archaeological Watching Brief at The Piggery, Rooke Farm, Chapel Amble
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Cornwall Council Historic Environment Service unpublished report series
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Report (in Series)
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Project background The historic building record and watching brief were commissioned by Alan Brown in advance of the conversion of the building and associated groundworks . Conditional planning consent for the conversion (application number PA19/08625) has now been granted. Condition 3 of the planning consent required a programme of archaeological work to be undertaken which included a historic building record to be made of the building, and a watching brief during groundworks. The historic building record is equivalent to a Historic England level 2/3 building survey. The requirements for archaeological work were determined by Peter Dudley, Senior Development Officer (Historic Environment, Cornwall Council) and are outlined in the Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) prepared by CAU (See Appendix 2). Aims The principal aims were to produce the equivalent of a Level 2/3 historic building survey, as defined by Historic England (2016), gain a better understanding of the archaeology of the development area and to satisfy Condition 3 of the Planning Consent. The objectives were to: • Obtain an archaeological record of the site before and during works on site. Key objectives were to: • Undertake a desk-based assessment of the site prior to on-site work taking place. • Undertake a historic building record prior to alterations taking place. • Record all archaeological remains exposed during mechanical excavation at the site, including the collection of artefacts and soil samples as necessary. Research objectives were to: • Ascertain the historic development, use and plan form of the extant building. • Ascertain the character, date and extent of any subsurface remains within the development site. Methods All recording work was undertaken according to Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) (CIfA 2014) and Historic England (2016) guidance. Desk–based assessment During the desk-based assessment historical databases and archives were consulted in order to obtain information about the history of the site and the structures and features that were likely to survive. The main sources consulted were as follows: • Cornwall HER • Images of England online listed buildings database • Early maps and photographs (see Section 10.1) • Published histories (see Section 10.2) • Websites (see Section 10.2) Fieldwork – Historic Building Record The equivalent of a Level 2/3 Building Survey (as defined by Historic England 2016) was produced. Recording included a room by room description with external and internal architectural features and detail annotated to copies of existing measured external elevations and floor plans supplied by the client. Analysis of the fabric was undertaken on site (recorded as notes) to allow a description to be written up at the archive report stage. Colour photographs of all exterior elevations and interior room spaces along with architectural details were taken with a digital camera (at a resolution of 10 million pixels or higher). These form the archive. Photographs include a metric scale bar, except where Health and Safety considerations made this impractical. CAU follows Historic England guidance on digital image capture and file storage (2014). The photo record comprised: • General views. • All external elevations. • All internal room spaces. • Examples of structural and architectural detail. Fieldwork – Watching Brief An archaeological watching brief was undertaken during groundworks within the development area. This involved topsoil stripping of the whole area surrounding the building and further reduction in ground level in the southern half of the site. All soil stripping was undertaken with a machine with toothless grading bucket supervised by an archaeologist.
The authors of this publication or report
Jo Sturgess
Connor Motley
The publisher of the publication or report
Cornwall Archaeological Unit
Year of Publication
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Parish: St. Kew
District: Cornwall
County: Cornwall
Country: England
Grid Reference: 199519, 76249 (Easting, Northing)
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OASIS Id: cornwall2-505174
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Created Date:
31 Mar 2023