Froud, S. (2019). The Old Vicarage, Anchor Road, Calne Archaeological investigation by strip, map and sample excavation. Wessex Archaeology. Cite this using datacite

The title of the publication or report
The Old Vicarage, Anchor Road, Calne Archaeological investigation by strip, map and sample excavation
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Wessex Archaeology unpublished report series
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Report (in Series)
The abstract describing the content of the publication or report
Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological investigation to monitor ground works for the construction of a proposed new swimming pool. The investigation confirmed the presence of two substantial north to south orientated ditches, which based on artefactual evidence could date to the medieval period, although were still extant and being infilled in the post medieval period during landscaping within the grounds of the vicarage. The ditches may be part of a boundary demarcating the site of a medieval monastic lodge, which is thought to have been located within the grounds of the current vicarage. Although no further evidence of in situ human burials indicating the extension of a medieval cemetery were identified during the investigation, as had been recorded in 2002 during construction of a garage within the vicarage grounds to the west, a small amount of disturbed human bone along with animal bone was recovered from the fill of one of the recorded ditches. These remains are likely to have been displaced from the possible cemetery in the west possibly during later landscaping works within the grounds of the vicarage. Although the ditches are possibly boundaries demarcating the eastern extent of the medieval monastic lodge, no evidence of medieval buildings or building remains predating the current 18th and 19th century vicarage were encountered. Although the overriding evidence would point to the ditches being medieval in date, the presence of a single sherd of post medieval pottery within the fil of one of the ditches could indicate that these ditches could be later events associated with landscaping of the vicarage gardens, and may also explain the presence of disturbed human remains where material from the western part of the site have been displaced to the eastern side of the garden. The watching brief confirmed the presence of two large medieval ditches, running north-south, the upper fills of which both contained pottery with a date range focusing on the 12th century, with only a few fragments of pottery associated with the lower fill of the eastern ditch 104. No further human burials were identified that might have been able to date those identified previously in the rescue excavation in 2002, however fragments of human bone were recovered from the upper fill of ditch 106, remains most likely having derived from the small medieval (?monastic) cemetery known to lie some 50 m to the south-west of the Vicarage. The finds suggest at least one grave was disturbed during landscaping known to have been undertaken on the property. No evidence of medieval ecclesiastical buildings or earlier phases of the existing Old Vicarage were encountered.
The authors of this publication or report
Steven Froud
The publisher of the publication or report
Wessex Archaeology
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Other Person/Org:
Wiltshire and Swindon HER (OASIS Reviewer)
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
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Year of Publication:
Any locations covered by the publication or report. This is not the place the book or report was published.
Parish: Calne
County: Wiltshire
District: Wiltshire
Country: England
Grid Reference: 400033, 170999 (Easting, Northing)
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods
Subjects / Periods associated with this record.
Subjects / Periods:
DITCH (Monument Type England)
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods)
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OASIS Id: wessexar1-349785
OBIB: 218320.03
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Created Date:
15 Aug 2023