Survey Data from a Magnetometry Survey at Cox's Brook, Twigworth, Gloucestershire, September to October 2022

Archaeological Surveys Ltd, 2024.


Filtered magnetometry plot for all areas.
Filtered magnetometry plot for all areas.

This collection comprises survey data from a geophysical survey carried out by Archaeological Surveys Ltd over 29ha ahead of a solar farm development at Twigworth in Gloucestershire, September to October 2022.

The survey was carried out using a hand-pushed cart with 6 magnetometers spaced 0.5m apart and collecting data at 20Hz. The results indicate the presence of a number of positive anomalies that appear to relate to a Romano-British within an area proposed as an access track in the south eastern part of the site. The anomalies are adjacent to the line of a Roman road. To the north the survey has located a number of mapped rectilinear boundary ditches, associated with further unmapped cut features that may also be of archaeological potential. Elsewhere within the site there are further responses to mapped and unmapped boundary features, as well as agricultural activity, naturally formed features within the floodplain of Cox's Brook and a number of services.