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Dept of Archaeology
University of Southampton
Avenue Campus
SO17 1BJ
Tel: 080 593032
LRA 3 fabric |
CommentsEquivalent to: ASM AM of the National Roman Fabric Reference Collection (Tomber & Dore, 1998: 83) |
Visual characteristicsA hard, fairly thin-walled, smoothish highly micaceous fabric, often deep reddish-brown (2.5YR 5/4 or 5YR 5/4) in colour. An earlier version is the Agora F65-66 fabric. |
PetrologyThin sectioning shows abundant flakes of muscovite and biotite mica, together with grains of quartz, fragments of metamorphic quartzite and rarer quartz-muscovite-schist. Heavy mineral separation on samples of Late Roman 3 amphora from Tintagel produced a practically monomineralic suite of dahllite grains, while a sample from Carthage contained garnet and kyanite (Williams, 1982). Dahllite normally occurs as a secondary mineral in phosphorite, though here the euhedral form and large grain size suggest an igneous source. Taken together, the petrological results suggest an origin in an area of igneous and metamorphic rocks (Peacock & Williams, 1986: Class 45). |