Contact, Concord and Conquest: Britons and Romans at Scotch Corner Digital Monograph, 2020

Northern Archaeological Associates, 2020. (updated 2021) How to cite using this DOI

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Northern Archaeological Associates (2021) Contact, Concord and Conquest: Britons and Romans at Scotch Corner Digital Monograph, 2020 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Data copyright © Northern Archaeological Associates unless otherwise stated

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Northern Archaeological Associates
Marwood House
Harmire Enterprise Park
Barnard Castle
Co. Durham
DL12 8BN
Tel: 01833 690 800

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Northern Archaeological Associates (2021) Contact, Concord and Conquest: Britons and Romans at Scotch Corner Digital Monograph, 2020 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Monograph | Appendices | Site Plan | Site Registers | Figures


Appendix B metadata CSV
Appendix B metadata
Appendix B metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
2 Kb
Appendix C metadata CSV
Appendix C metadata
Appendix C metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
4 Kb
Appendix D metadata CSV
Appendix D metadata
Appendix D metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
7 Kb
Appendix E metadata CSV
Appendix E metadata
Appendix E metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
1 Kb
Appendix F metadata CSV
Appendix F metadata
Appendix F metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
1 Kb
Appendix G metadata CSV
Appendix G metadata
Appendix G metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
2 Kb
Appendix H metadata CSV
Appendix H metadata
Appendix H metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
5 Kb
Appendix I metadata CSV
Appendix I metadata
Appendix I metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
2 Kb
Appendix J metadata CSV
Appendix J metadata
Appendix J metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
3 Kb
Appendix K metadata CSV
Appendix K metadata
Appendix K metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
2 Kb
Appendix L spreadsheet metadata CSV
Appendix L spreadsheet metadata
Appendix L spreadsheet metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
10 Kb
Appendix L text metadata CSV
Appendix L text metadata
Appendix L text metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
1 Kb
Appendix M metadata CSV
Appendix M metadata
Appendix M metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
4 Kb
Appendix N metadata CSV
Appendix N metadata
Appendix N metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
1 Kb
Appendix O metadata CSV
Appendix O metadata
Appendix O metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
2 Kb
Appendix P metadata CSV
Appendix P metadata
Appendix P metadata
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
1 Kb


Leary, R., Griffiths, D., Monteil, G., Cumberpatch, C. (2020) Appendix E: Ceramic vessel fabric and ware description . Northern Archaeological Associates: Barnard Castle. PDF 779 Kb
Wright, E. (2020) Appendix L: Vertebrate animal remains recording protocol. Northern Archaeological Associates: Barnard Castle. PDF 480 Kb
SUERC (2020) Appendix P: Radiocarbon dating. PDF 12 Mb
Appendix B: Context catalogue
Description: Catalogue of context numbers with descriptions
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_B_Context_catalogue CSV
Appendix B: Context catalogue
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
767 Kb
Appendix C: F197-199 matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 197- Field 199
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F197-199_matrix PDF 83 Kb
Appendix C: F200-203 matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 200- Field 203
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F200-203_matrix PDF 100 Kb
Appendix C: F207-211 matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 207- Field 211
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F207-211_matrix PDF 105 Kb
Appendix C: F213-215_matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 213 - Field 215
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F213-215_matrix PDF 92 Kb
Appendix C: F217-219 matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 217 - Field 219
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F217-219_matrix PDF 96 Kb
Appendix C: F220 matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 220
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F220_matrix PDF 87 Kb
Appendix C: F223 matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 223
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F223_matrix PDF 108 Kb
Appendix C: F228 matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 228
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F228_matrix PDF 107 Kb
Appendix C: F229 matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 229
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F229_matrix PDF 86 Kb
Appendix C: F246-247 matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 246 - Field 247
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F246-247_matrix PDF 150 Kb
Appendix C: F258 matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 258
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F258_matrix PDF 129 Kb
Appendix C: F263 matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 263
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F263_matrix PDF 81 Kb
Appendix C: F265 matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 265
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F265_matrix PDF 94 Kb
Appendix C: F267 matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 267
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F267_matrix PDF 100 Kb
Appendix C: F269 matrix
Description: Stratigraphic matrix from Field 269
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_C_F269_matrix PDF 81 Kb
Appendix D: Ceramic vessel raw data
Description: Raw data for all pottery examined for the CCC monograph
Amphora CSV
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
56 Kb
Coarsewares CSV
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
354 Kb
Hand-built pottery CSV
Hand-built pottery
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
97 Kb
Mortaria CSV
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
19 Kb
Samian CSV
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
95 Kb
Appendix F: Wares by period
Description: Percentage of wares found by period
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_F_Wares_by_period CSV
Appendix F: Wares by period
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
3 Kb
Appendix G: Glass data
Description: Raw data pertaining to the glass
Catalogue Glass Data CSV
Catalogue Glass Data
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
4 Kb
Scotch Corner Glass Data CSV
Scotch Corner Glass Data
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
23 Kb
Appendix H: Finds raw data analysis
Description: Raw data and analysis for finds examined for the CCC monograph
Analysis Beeswax CSV
Analysis Beeswax
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
1 Kb
Analysis Beeswax graph JPG 152 Kb
Analysis Beewax-Seal box graph JPG 167 Kb
Analysis Seal box CSV
Analysis Seal box
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
1 Kb
Analysis Seal box graph JPG 126 Kb
Bead Data CSV
Bead Data
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
3 Kb
Coin Data CSV
Coin Data
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
4 Kb
Querns CSV
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
2 Kb
Small Finds CSV
Small Finds
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
55 Kb
Appendix I: Metalworking and fired clay
Description: Raw data pertaining to the ferrous and non ferrous metalworking and data pertaining to the fired clay
Fired Clay CSV
Fired Clay
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
67 Kb
Metalworking CSV
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
91 Kb
Appendix J: Coin pellet mould data
Description: Raw data pertaining to the coin pellet moulds
CPM Data
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
279 Kb
Key columns T-AG CSV
Key columns T-AG
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
17 Kb
Appendix K: CBM data
Description: Raw data pertaining to the ceramic building material
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_K_CBM_data CSV
Appendix K: CBM data
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
18 Kb
Appendix L: Animal bone data
Description: Raw data pertaining to the Vertebrate animal bone
Bones CSV
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
97 Kb
Teeth CSV
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
54 Kb
Vertebrae and ribs CSV
Vertebrae and ribs
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
7 Kb
Appendix M: Fishbone data
Description: Raw data pertaining to the fishbone
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_M_Fishbone_data CSV
Appendix M: Fishbone data
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
4 Kb
Appendix N: Mollusc data
Description: Raw data pertaining to molluscs
1158_A1L2B_CCC_Appendix_N_Mollusc_data CSV
Appendix N: Mollusc data
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
4 Kb
Appendix O: Charred plant remains and charcoal data
Description: Raw data pertaining to the charred plant remains and the charcoal
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
92 Kb
Charcoal CSV
[DOWNLOAD] right-click and save link
89 Kb

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