The competition gave to me …
a windswept Bronze Age site,
a dig team in the office, an icy Roscommon Castle, a Temple to Saturn, Christmas jumpers in the lab, a snowy Silbury Hill, two ‘geofizzing’ students, a snow covered Castle Hill, a sweeping digger in the snow, a frosty Grimspound, a Lewis chess piece, and a snow capped Avebury.
This image was submitted by Spencer Carter of a site hoped to be Mesolithic, but turned out to be Bronze Age, Where have we heard that before…?
Related resources (if it was Mesolithic…!)
Mesolithic themed issue in Internet Archaeology
Paul R. Preston 2009 ‘Cache and Carry: lithic technology and Mesolithic mobility’, Internet Archaeology 26. DOI: 10.11141/ia.26.25
Gaffney, V. et al. 2013 ‘Time and a Place: A luni-solar ‘time-reckoner’ from 8th millennium BC Scotland‘, Internet Archaeology 34. DOI: 10.11141/ia.34.1