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The Grey Literature Library reaches 30,000

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The ADS is excited to announce that we now have over 30,000 reports in our Grey Literature Library.

Since the start of 2015, 734 reports have been added from 85 different organisations and 729 of those reports were submitted via OASIS, with around a further 1,500 backlog reports that have been digitised and deposited with us from the North Yorkshire HER with more to come.

Notable contributions, so far this year, have been made by Archaeological Project Services (51); Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service (37) and Oxford Archaeology East (35). Over the past few months 4 new organisations have been added to the growing number of contributors to the Grey Literature Library from across the sector including the English Heritage Research Reports of which 498 have been deposited with the ADS since December and are now available directly from the Grey Literature Library. These reports include a wide range of specialist subjects and recently deposited examples include:

‘English Heritage Reviews of Environmental Archaeology: Midlands Region Insects’

‘Tree-Ring analysis of Timbers from the Nave Roof, St Peter’s Church, Claybrooke Parva, Leicestershire’

‘English Heritage Coastal Estate: risk assessment.’

Explore the Grey Literature Library yourself here!