Casey, P. John. and Hoffmann, B. (1995). Excavations on the Corbridge Bypass, 1974. Archaeologia Aeliana Series 5. Vol 23, pp. 17-45.  Cite this via datacite

Title: Excavations on the Corbridge Bypass, 1974
Issue: Archaeologia Aeliana Series 5
Series: Archaeologia Aeliana
Volume: 23
Page Start/End: 17 - 45
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International Licence
Publication Type: Journal
Abstract: Describes one of three excavations in the area. Negative features were located, with almost no stratigraphy present. Dere Street could be discerned only as a concentration of small stones embedded in the surface of the boulder clay. An enclosure and burials were also observed. The burials probably represent part of the earliest northern cemetery of the fort at Corbridge and, with the exception of one apparently Gallic individual, they were not of high status. Finds reports include details of coins and copper alloy objects, followed by: `The Roman glass' by J Price & S Cottam (25--9); `The pottery' by J N Dore (29--43), including a contribution on some of the samian by Brenda Dickinson (40--1); and `The animal bones' by James Rackham (43--4).
Author: P John Casey
Birgitta Hoffmann
Year of Publication: 1995
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ADS Archive (ADS Archive)
Created Date: 30 May 2019