Title: |
The Hamwic glass |
Series: |
Council for British Archaeology Research Reports
Volume: |
Number of Pages: |
139 |
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Licence Type: |
ADS Terms of Use and Access
Publication Type: |
Monograph (in Series)
Abstract: |
Reports on and catalogues over 1,700 fragments of eighth- and ninth-century AD glass recovered from excavations at Saxon Southampton. Appendices comprise `Colour measurement of the Hamwic glass' and `Scientific analysis of the Hamwic glass' (71--96) (which consists of reprinted papers on `X-ray fluorescence analysis' by D C W Sanderson, J R Hunter & S E Warren (71--2), `Neutron activation analysis' by D C W Sanderson & J R Hunter (72) and `Inductively coupled plasma spectrometry' by M P Heyworth, J R Hunter & S E Warren (73--96)); and `Electron microprobe analysis of the Hamwic glass' by Julian Henderson (97). |
Author: |
John R Hunter
Mike Heyworth
Year of Publication: |
1 872414 87 7 |
Subjects / Periods: |
Note: |
Date Of Issue From:1998
Source: |
(The British & Irish Archaeological Bibliography (BIAB))
Relations: |
Created Date: |
21 Jan 2002 |