Title: |
A dated corpus of early Roman pottery from the City of London |
Series: |
Council for British Archaeology Research Reports
Volume: |
Number of Pages: |
283 |
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Licence Type: |
ADS Terms of Use and Access
Publication Type: |
Monograph (in Series)
Abstract: |
Describes pottery for the period AD~50--160, presenting it in terms of both typology and chronological group. The site at Newgate Street, excavated 1975--79, is of particular importance due to its well-defined stratigraphy and the quantity of pottery recovered, and this assemblage forms the basis of the corpus. Chapters cover the study methods, amporae, oxidised wares, reduced wares, and fine wares. There is also a chronological overview of early Roman pottery in London. Appendix one provides `Site summaries' (220--30) of nine excavations, listing samian stamps and coins. Other appendices comprise: a `Concordance of common name codes' (233) used for various wares; a `Summary of illustrated sherds' (234--8); a `Concordance of illustrated sherds in phase groups' (249--51); and `Raw data by site phase (Eves/weights)' (252--4). |
Author: |
Beth Richardson
B J Davies
Roberta Tomber
Publisher: |
Council for British Archaeology
Year of Publication: |
Locations: |
Location - Auto Detected: |
Newgate Street |
Subjects / Periods: |
Early Roman (Auto Detected Temporal) |
Roman (Auto Detected Temporal) |
Note: |
Date Of Issue From:1994
Source: |
Relations: |
Created Date: |
10 Apr 2002 |