Holdsworth, P. (1980). Excavations at Melbourne Street, Southampton, 1971-7; with contributions on the 'Hamwih' brickearths . . . and on HAMTUN alias HAMWIC (Saxon Southampton). https://doi.org/10.5284/1081730.  Cite this via datacite

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Title: Excavations at Melbourne Street, Southampton, 1971-7; with contributions on the 'Hamwih' brickearths . . . and on HAMTUN alias HAMWIC (Saxon Southampton)
Series: Council for British Archaeology Research Reports
Volume: 33
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Publication Type: Monograph (in Series)
Abstract: Several sites in Melbourne Street were excavated to reveal pits, a well, two graves and traces of buildings of 8th and 9th centuries. Detailed treatment is given to the animal bones, the pottery, the glass, and the coins, as well as to the Saxon name for the settlement. Pottery was locally made and also imported, mostly from N France. The glass forms a large and important collection crucial to our knowledge of glass in this formerly barren period in Britain. The occupation was mainly domestic and the animal bones indicate efficient animal husbandry in the region as well as a thriving agriculture; molluscs, especially oysters, were also eaten. However, the trading profits may have been taken out of the country as the finds do not indicate the wealth that might have been expected.
Author: Philip Holdsworth
Year of Publication: 1980
Location - Auto Detected: Melbourne Street Southampton
Location - Auto Detected: Melbourne Street
Location - Auto Detected: Britain
Subjects / Periods:
9th Centuries (Auto Detected Temporal)
Saxon (Auto Detected Temporal)
Note: Date Of Issue From:1980
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BIAB (British Archaeological Abstracts (BAA))
Created Date: 05 Dec 2008