Title: |
The excavation of an Iron Age settlement at Thorpe Thewles, Cleveland, 1980-2 |
Series: |
Council for British Archaeology Research Reports
Volume: |
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Licence Type: |
ADS Terms of Use and Access
Publication Type: |
Monograph (in Series)
Abstract: |
Excavation on the site of a cropmark enclosure revealed a complex sequence of occupation from Middle Iron Age to 1st century AD with evidence of landscape organization before and after this period. The site produced the largest collections of Iron Age finds, animal remains, and carbonized seeds recovered from northern England to date, together with a wide range of structures, enclosures, and boundaries. The evidence shows that these fertile lowlands were undergoing the social, economic and agricultural developments seen in the south; early introduction of the rotary quern, spelt, and of complex nucleated settlement types. A dozen thermoluminescence dates were obtained. |
Author: |
David Heslop
Year of Publication: |
0 906780 65 9 |
Locations: |
Location - Auto Detected: |
Cleveland |
Location - Auto Detected: |
Thorpe Thewles Cleveland |
Subjects / Periods: |
(Historic England Periods)
1st Century Ad (Auto Detected Temporal) |
Iron Age (Auto Detected Temporal) |
rotary quern (Auto Detected Subject) |
enclosures (Auto Detected Subject) |
settlement (Auto Detected Subject) |
spelt (Auto Detected Subject) |
cropmark enclosure (Auto Detected Subject) |
seeds (Auto Detected Subject) |
Note: |
Date Of Issue From:1987
Source: |
(British Archaeological Abstracts (BAA))
Relations: |
Created Date: |
05 Dec 2008 |