Title: |
The mansio and other sites in the south-eastern sector of Caesaromagus |
Series: |
Council for British Archaeology Research Reports
Volume: |
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ADS Terms of Use and Access
Publication Type: |
Monograph (in Series)
Abstract: |
Ramparts, ditches, a road, and a well represent a sequence of rapid change (?series of forts) not earlier than AD 60/5. The 'small town' began developing from c AD 120 with the large timber courtyard mansio and houses along the London-Colchester road. Replacement in stone of the mansio came in 130, and one wing was fired in mid-3rd century. The baths and circular lacomicum may predate the earliest mansio. At about 150 a well was the focus of a series of ?ritual shafts with much faunal material. Town defences were built c 160-75 on land cleared of commercial buildings, but were levelled by c 220. There was widespread burning at end of 2nd century. N of the mansio was 2nd century occupation, 3rd century burials and pits, and a hoard of jet jewellery (first half of 4th). F B |
Author: |
Paul J Drury
Year of Publication: |
0 906780 52 7 |
Subjects / Periods: |
3rd Century (Auto Detected Temporal) |
Mid3rd Century (Auto Detected Temporal) |
Ad 120 (Auto Detected Temporal) |
4th F B (Auto Detected Temporal) |
Note: |
Date Of Issue From:
Source: |
(British Archaeological Abstracts (BAA))
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Created Date: |
05 Dec 2008 |