Going, C. J. (1987). The mansio and other sites in the south-eastern sector of Caesaromagus: the Roman pottery. https://doi.org/10.5284/1081674.  Cite this via datacite

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Title: The mansio and other sites in the south-eastern sector of Caesaromagus: the Roman pottery
Series: Council for British Archaeology Research Reports
Volume: 62
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Publication Type: Monograph (in Series)
Abstract: The pottery, some 600kg or 45 000 sherds, was recorded by context and quantified for presentation by context and date, in eight phases from AD 60 to 400. As well as these stratified groups, kilns are reported from Moulsham Street and from Inworth, and studies were made of textile impressions, residues, terracotta and pipeclay objects, samian wares, and potters' stamps. The waxing and waning of trade patterns is examined, and some comparisons with the Colchester Mithraeum and Billingsgate 'Z' assemblages are made. The Rettendon workshop (fl early-mid 4th century) was prominent in east-central Essex.
Author: C J Going
Year of Publication: 1987
ISBN: 0 906780 50 0
Location - Auto Detected: Moulsham Street
Location - Auto Detected: Essex
Subjects / Periods:
ROMAN (Historic England Periods)
4th Century (Auto Detected Temporal)
Ad 60 To 400 (Auto Detected Temporal)
Note: Date Of Issue From:1987
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BIAB (British Archaeological Abstracts (BAA))
Created Date: 05 Dec 2008