Maxwell, G. S., ed. (1983). The impact of aerial reconnaissance on archaeology: dedicated to Professor J K S St Joseph in token of his outstanding contribution to aerial archaeology.  Cite this via datacite

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Title: The impact of aerial reconnaissance on archaeology: dedicated to Professor J K S St Joseph in token of his outstanding contribution to aerial archaeology
Series: Council for British Archaeology Research Reports
Volume: 49
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Publication Type: Monograph (in Series)
Abstract: Contains: G Webster (viii), Dedication; Editorial preface (ix); J Pickering (pp 1-4), A survey of current air reconnaissance: the achievement, the failure; N D Johnson (5-13), The results of air and ground survey of Bodmin Moor, Cornwall; Paul Everson (14-26), Aerial photography and fieldwork in north Lincolnshire; G S Maxwell (27-40), Recent aerial survey in Scotland; Rog Palmer (41-53), Analysis of settlement features in the landscape of prehistoric Wessex; C C Taylor (54-8), Towards total archaeology? Aerial photography in Northamptonshire; Derrick Riley (59-73), The frequency of occurrence of cropmarks in relation to soils; D Miles (74-84, An integrated approach to the study of ancient landscapes: the Claydon Pike project; J G B Haigh, B K Kisch & M U Jones (85-91), Computer plot and excavated reality [Mucking]; Rowan Whimster (92-105), Aerial reconnaissance from Cambridge: a retrospective view 1945-80; Angela Simco (106-8), The use of air photography: value judgments in archaeological planning; J N Hampton (109-23), Some aspects of interpretation and mapping of archaeological evidence from air photography; Rog Palmer & Derrick Riley (124-7), The publication of air photographic evidence; A J Clark (128-35), The testimony of the topsoil; J C C Romans and L Robertson (136-41), The general effects of early agriculture on the soil profile; P J Fowler (142-8), The still and distant view: two conferences, aerial archaeology, and 'cloud cuckoo land'.
Editor: Gordon S Maxwell
Year of Publication: 1983
ISBN: 0 906780 24 1
Location - Auto Detected: Northamptonshire
Location - Auto Detected: Claydon Pike
Location - Auto Detected: Cambridge
Subjects / Periods:
Prehistoric (Auto Detected Temporal)
Note: Date Of Issue From:1983
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BIAB (British Archaeological Abstracts (BAA))
Created Date: 05 Dec 2008