Wacher, J., Fitzpatrick, A. P. and Anderson, A. Scott. (2001). The Romano-British 'Small Town' at Wanborough, Wiltshire. Malet Street: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies. https://doi.org/10.5284/1090317.  Cite this via datacite

Home Browse by Series / Series / Monograph (in Series)
Title: The Romano-British 'Small Town' at Wanborough, Wiltshire
Subtitle: Excavations 1966-1976
Series: Britannia Monograph series
Volume: 19
Number of Pages: 396
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Publication Type: Monograph (in Series)
Author: John Wacher
Andrew P Fitzpatrick
Alastair Scott Anderson
Publisher: Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
Other Person/Org: Richard Reece (Author contributing)
Martin Henig (Author contributing)
Ronald F Tylecote (Author contributing)
Robin Holgate (Author contributing)
D Bailey (Author contributing)
T S N Moorhead (Author contributing)
Ralph Jackson (Author contributing)
Bryn Walters (Author contributing)
Sarah J Vaughan (Author contributing)
Glenys Lloyd-Morgan (Author contributing)
A D Hooley (Author contributing)
Hedley Pengelly (Author contributing)
A Isaac (Author contributing)
Tom F C Blagg (Author contributing)
Simon Keay (Author contributing)
David G Buckley (Author contributing)
Brian R Hartley (Author contributing)
Sarnia A Butcher (Author contributing)
B H C Dickinson (Author contributing)
Carole Keepax (Author contributing)
John Bayley (Author contributing)
Rachael H Seager Smith (Author contributing)
L Mepham (Author contributing)
Alison Cameron (Author contributing) ORCID icon
Timothy C Darvill (Author contributing) ORCID icon
A B Powell (Author contributing)
Kay F Hartley (Author contributing)
Margaret Guido (Author contributing)
S Horton (Author contributing)
L Monk (Author contributing)
Year of Publication: 2001
ISBN: 907764290
County: Wiltshire
Place: Wanborough
Country: England
Subjects / Periods:
TOWN (Monument Type England)
Source icon
ADS Archive (ADS Archive)
Created Date: 24 Oct 2018