Title: |
The Rural Settlement of Roman Britain |
Subtitle: |
New Visions of the Countryside of Roman Britain vol 1 |
Series: |
Britannia Monograph series
Volume: |
Number of Pages: |
496 |
Downloads: |
Licence Type: |
ADS Terms of Use and Access
Publication Type: |
Monograph (in Series)
Abstract: |
The mass of new data produced since the onset of developer-funded archaeology in 1990 has provided the basis for a new regional framework for the study of rural Roman Britain in which a rich characterisation has been developed of the mosaic of communities that inhabited the province and the way that they changed over time. Centre stage is the farmstead, rather than the villa, which has for so long dominated discourse in the study of Roman Britain; variations in farmstead type, building form and associated landscape context are all explored in order to breathe new life into our understanding of the Romano-British countryside. |
Author: |
Tom Brindle
Alexander T Smith
Martyn G Allen
Michael G Fulford
Publisher: |
Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
Year of Publication: |
9780907764434 |
Locations: |
Subjects / Periods: |
(Monument Type England)
(Monument Type Scotland)
(Monument Type Wales)
Source: |
ADS Archive
(ADS Archive)
Relations: |
Created Date: |
24 Oct 2018 |