Archaeologia Aeliana Series 5

The title of the publication or report
Archaeologia Aeliana Series 5
The series the publication or report is included in
Archaeologia Aeliana
Volume number and part
Publication Type
Publication Type
The type of publication - report, monograph, journal article or chapter from a book
Publication Type:
The publisher of the publication or report
Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
The year the book, article or report was published
Year of Publication:
Where the record has come from or which dataset it was orginally included in.
Source icon
ADS Archive (ADS Archive)
Created Date
Created Date
The date the record of the pubication was first entered
Created Date:
30 May 2019

Please click on an Article link to go to the Article Details.
Article Title Sort Order no arrows Access Type Author / Editor Page
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Download available from the ADS icon 0
No Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Anne Ross
1 - 9
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Download available from the ADS icon George Jobey
11 - 53
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon George Jobey
55 - 79
No Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon T G Newman
Martin Martin Harrison
John Pearson Gillam
81 - 85
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Roger F Miket
T G Newman
87 - 95
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Dorothy Charlesworth
97 - 109
No Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Robin E Birley
111 - 122
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Download available from the ADS icon Joyce Kewley
123 - 127
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Download available from the ADS icon Joyce Kewley
129 - 131
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Download available from the ADS icon K J Stringer
133 - 136
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Download available from the ADS icon Barbara Harbottle
T G Newman
137 - 175
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon William Lawson
177 - 193
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Download available from the ADS icon Stephen T L Harbottle
195 - 217
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Download available from the ADS icon Terence G Manby
219 - 222
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Ruth Dodds
223 - 224
No Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon 225 - 240
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Download available from the ADS icon Dorothy Charlesworth
225 - 234
Abstract icon
Download available from the ADS icon Elizabeth Coatsworth
234 - 236
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Download available from the ADS icon Christopher D Morris
236 - 240
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Download available from the ADS icon 241 - 243
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Download available from the ADS icon Martin Henig
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Download available from the ADS icon E W Sockett
241 - 243
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Download available from the ADS icon John Philipson
243 - 245
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Download available from the ADS icon 247 - 248
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Download available from the ADS icon John Philipson
247 - 248
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Download available from the ADS icon John Philipson
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Download available from the ADS icon John Philipson
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Download available from the ADS icon John Philipson
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Download available from the ADS icon 249 - 254
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