Title: |
Land at Picket Twenty, Andover, Hampshire |
Series: |
Wessex Archaeology unpublished report series
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Licence Type: |
ADS Terms of Use and Access
Publication Type: |
Report (in Series)
Abstract: |
Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by Persimmon Homes South Coast (the Client) to undertake an a phased programme of supplementary archaeological evaluation and excavation in advance of residential development at land at Picket Twenty, Andover, Hampshire. The primary objective of the current fieldwork was to provide further clarification of earlier geophysical survey results (Areas J, K, L and M) and excavation investigations of two areas (A and B) previously evaluated. The evaluation trenches did not record any features of note except a single, undated, possible posthole (Area J) and a number of tree throw-holes (Areas J and M). Both excavation areas (A and B) contained ditched features clearly seen in the earlier geophysical survey and some of which were investigated initially in an earlier evaluation (2004). Area A contained a sequence of Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age (1100 - 400 BC) to Middle Iron Age (400 - 100 BC) ditches which post-dated two similarly aligned posthole alignments of similar dates. The series of two posthole alignments and ditches with re-cuts and later extensions suggest a developing sequence of landscape boundaries. The features became finally infilled and disused in the Roman-British periods, when possible field systems of that date were in use alongside Roman road of Icknield Way which bounds the west side of the site. |
Author: |
C Ellis
A Manning
Publisher: |
Wessex Archaeology
Other Person/Org: |
Historic England (OASIS Reviewer)
Please note: this record has been validated by-proxy by Historic England.
Year of Publication: |
Locations: |
Site: |
Picket Twenty, Andover Down |
County: |
Hampshire |
District: |
Test Valley |
Parish: |
Country: |
England |
Grid Reference: 438999, 145396 (Easting, Northing)
Subjects / Periods: |
Identifiers: |
wessexar1-93087 |
69391.02 |
Note: |
Standard post-excavation assessment report, A4 hard cover.
Source: |
Relations: |
Created Date: |
17 Jul 2019 |