Burn, Z. (2018). Padiham Flood Risk Management Scheme Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment. Mott MacDonald. https://doi.org/10.5284/1103429. Cite this using datacite

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Padiham Flood Risk Management Scheme Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment
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Mott MacDonald unpublished report series
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This appraisal has been undertaken following the EA’s MTR guidance documents - 801_14 SD01 Cultural Heritage and Archaeology Standards1 to provide sufficient information in order to manage the risk and opportunities relating to archaeological and built heritage features affected by the proposed scheme. The following sources have been consulted: ● A search of the Historic England (HE) National Heritage List for England (NHLE) database and UNESCO database, for designated heritage assets (Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings, Conservation areas, World Heritage Sites, Registered Battlefields and Registered Parks and Gardens) within 500m of the proposed scheme location; ● A search of the Historic Environment Records (HER) database, for non-designated heritage assets also within 500m of the proposed scheme location; ● Historic Landscape, rural and urban Characterisation (HLC), and seascape; ● Historic maps, including Ordnance Survey (OS) maps, tithe maps and older; ● Previous archaeological surveys and investigations; ● An examination of local, regional and national planning policies in relation to the historic environment; ● An assessment of relevant published and unpublished archaeological sources including via the Archaeological Data Service (ADS), maintained online by the University of York including the Victoria County History for Lancashire; ● The North West Regional Research Framework; ● An examination of geological data including historic borehole logs via British Geological Survey mapping; ● Aerial photographs (vertical and oblique); ● LiDAR; and ● Information on previous impacts to the site (previous developments, contaminated land, natural erosion etc). Areas of below-ground archaeological remains are difficult to predict due to the lack of intrusive archaeological investigations within the study area and the high presence of later development in the town. There is known settlement at Padiham from the early medieval onwards. Based on the proposed scheme location away from the nucleated core of medieval settlement, the potential for remains from this period is considered low. Padiham expanded rapidly during the late 18th and early 19th centuries and became a centre for industrial activity There is however, a low potential for post-medieval remains to be present within the proposed scheme as generally these survive as upstanding buildings and have been historically mapped and are recorded on the Lancashire HER. If groundworks are required in relation to raising the footbridge and during construction of the embankment these may have the potential to impact on unknown or previously unrecorded archaeological remains and may need to be archaeologically evaluated prior to construction. There is no physical risk to any designated built heritage assets. Most of the listed buildings are screened by the townscape and positioned on the higher ground away from the River Valley which means that they would not be affected. The northern end of the proposed scheme lies within the Padiham Conservation Area. The scheme has the potential to impact upon the Grade II listed Town Hall and the Conservation Area. The following non-designated built heritage assets are locally listed and low value. There is a potential impact to their setting once the design of the works along Green Brook are known. The buildings are not at physical risk and the impact should not be significant. Mott MacDonald | Padiham Flood Risk Management Scheme 33 Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment ENV0001397C-MML-XX-LDS-RP-J-397384002-S3-A-C0100-3 | 28 November 2018 ● Padiham Bridge; ● Station Road Bridge; ● Padiham Power Room Co.; ● Unity Mill (former Greenbank or Station Works); ● Green Bridge Mill; and ● Green Bridge Foundry;
The authors of this publication or report
Io Gray-Davies
The publisher of the publication or report
Mott MacDonald
Year of Publication
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County: Lancashire
Country: England
Parish: Padiham
District: Burnley
Grid Reference: 379454, 433829 (Easting, Northing)
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OASIS Id: mottmacd2-511808
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Created Date:
10 Mar 2023