Newsletter 1 - December 2012
- 3-5 November 2014, Vienna - Austria: Cultural heritage and New Technologies 19: Urban Archaeology and Processing
- 3-8 November 2014, Cyprus: EUROMED 2014: Progress in Cultural Heritage e-Documentation, Preservation and Protection
- 4 November 2014, Bruges - Belgium: Digitaal aan de slag met historische kaarten en huizengeschiedenis
- 8 November 2014, Veghel - Netherlands: Hack-a-LOD: Linked Open Data en Erfgoed
- 20 November 2014, Amersfoort - Netherlands: Cursus Digitaal Duurzaam Beheren
Past Events#
- 6-7 May 2013, Florence - Italy: DigCurV International Conference: Framing the Digital Curation Curriculum You can view and download the presentations here
- 4-7 June 2013, Paris - France: TOTh 2013: Terminology and Onthology: Theories and Application, Training Session and Conference
- 1 August 2013, Dublin - Ireland: ENRICH (Exploration, Navigation and Retrieval of Information in Cultural Heritage) Workshop
- 10-17 August 2013, Rio - Brazil: 23rd International ICOM conference
- 2-6 September 2013, Strasbourg - France: XXIV International CIPA Symposium: Recording, Documentation and Cooperation for Cultural Heritage
- 5-9 September 2013, Prague - Czech Republic: 3rd International Conference on Integrated Information - IC-ININFO
- 16-17 September 2013, London - United Kingdom: 2nd SCAPE training Event: Future Formats First - Application Infrastructures for Action Services (focusing on using tools and workflows to carry out digital preservaion actions at scale)
- 22-26 September 2013, Valetta - Malta: 17th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: Sharing Meaningful Information
- 23-28 September 2013, Amsterdam - Netherlands: ICOMOS Conference Water and Heritage
- 26 September 2013, Malta: 2nd International Workshop on Supporting Users Exploration of Digital Libraries
- 28 October - 1 November 2013, Marseille - France: Digital Heritage International Congress
- 6-8 November 2013, Vilnius - Lithuania: Digital Agenda for Europe: ICT 2013-Conference: Create, Connect, Grow
- 27 November 2013, Paris - France: DARIAH-FR Workshop: Constructing vocabularies at a European level - Reference lists, thesauri and ontologies for Digital Humanities
- 5 December 2013, Brussels - Belgium: Archieven 2020 Open Forum