Please, check the BIBLIOGRAPHY page for references on archiving, restoration, conservation, etc... If you want to add any bibliography, please contact us on the following address:
Articles concerning the ARCHES project #
- CARLSSON Annika, 2012: "EU tar grepp om arkeologisk dokumentation", Populär arkeologi 3, p. 27.
- DEGRAEVE Ann, 2012: "L'accessibilité de nos collections patrimoniales et l'Union européenne", Thema & Collecta 2 - Documentation du patrimoine, ICOMOS Wallonie-Bruxelles, p. 36-41.
- BIBBY David, 2013: "Die Arbeitsgruppe „ Archaeological Archives” des Europae Archaeologiae Consilium und das Culture 2007–2013 Project „ ARCHES“. Eine kurze Vorstellung", Archäologie und Informationssysteme, Arbeitsheft zur Denkmalpflege in Niederdsachsen 42, Hannover.
- BIBBY David, 2014: "Archaeological resources in cultural heritage: a European standard", in: van der Haas, Victoria M. and Schut Peter, A.C. (Eds.): The Valetta Convention Twenty Years After - Benefits, Problems, Challenges. EAC Occasional Paper 9, Budapest.
- BIBBY David, 2014: "Strategien zur Archivierung in der archäologischen Denkmalpflege. Das ARCHES Projekt”, Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg 2/2014.
Blogs and website information concerning the ARCHES project #
Other resources#
- Standard and Guidance for the creation, compilation, transfer and deposition of archaeological archives,Archaeological Archives Forum, UK
- Guides to Good Practice - Collaboration Archaeological Data Service, UK - Digital Antiquity, US
- Archeologie in Nederland
- Kwaliteitsnorm Nederlandse Archeologie Leidraden
- Kwaliteitsnorm Nederlandse Archeologie Landbodems
- Kwaliteitsnorm Nederlandse Archeologie Waterbodems
- UNESCO Guidelines for the Preservation of Digital Heritage
- Archaeological Archives and Museums 2012
- ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums
- Archieven 2020. Innovatieagenda voor de archiefsector
- Historic American Buildings Survey - Guide to Field Documentation
- American Alliance of Museums - Alliance Reference Guide: Developing a Collections Management Policy