ADS is pleased to announce the release of three new digital archives exploring the history of settlement in Yorkshire, carried out under the auspices of the University of York.
The first, ‘Burdale: an Anglian settlement in the Yorkshire Wolds‘ by Julian Richards and Steve Roskams, comprises a broad range of primary and secondary data derived from fieldwork and post-excavation analysis of the site.The aims of the projects were to:
- establish the depth, extent and survival of archaeological deposits
- explore the nature of sedimentation
- identify the extent of the 8th and 9th century activity
- establish the relationship of the metalwork finds and the features
- collect environmental & artefactual samples
- determine the nature of activity on site
- help protect the site from illegal metal-detecting
The release of this archive coincides with the release of a Data Paper on the data set in our sister service Internet Archaeology. This Data paper highlight the reuse potential of the archive.
The second and third new digital archives are related to fieldwork undertaken within the parish of Cottam.
The aim of this fieldwork was:
- The examination of a number of so-called Anglo-Saxon ‘productive sites’
- The study of settlement development from the Anglian to Anglo-Scandinavian periods, including a better understanding of the process of village nucleation
- The investigation of Anglo-Saxon estate structure and organisation
These new archives are ‘Cottam A: A Romano-British and Anglian Settlement in East Yorkshire’ and ‘Cowlam: Anglian Settlement in East Yorkshire‘ both by Julian Richards.
An earlier archive ‘Burrow House Farm, Cottam: an Anglian and Anglo-Scandinavian Settlement in East Yorkshire‘ by Julian Richards is also associated with this project. This was published as “Cottam: An Anglian and Anglo-Scandinavian settlement on the Yorkshire Wolds”, Archaeological Journal 156, 1-110, (1999) and in Internet Archaeology 10, (2001).
All in the East Ridfing, eh?
East Riding