The following update has been written by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) to alert all users of the OASIS form in Scotland about forthcoming changes.
During late 2022 we will be replacing the existing OASIS form (OASIS IV) with a new version: OASIS V. The new form will be more secure and features improved functionality to ensure projects are reported consistently.
We have also been working with Archaeology Scotland to integrate reporting to Discovery and Excavation Scotland (DES) and the new form will streamline project reporting in a single online form. The existing DES form will continue in use for the current year but will be retired before 2023.
Information entered through OASIS can also be shared with the regional research framework and we will be working with ScARF on that functionality going forward.
Online help
As the form has been in use in England, there is already a lot of online help available through OASIS: Help pages including a A Guide to OASIS V ( and comprehensive OASIS V: user manual – Google Docs as well as short videos on OASIS on Vimeo. We intend to produce additional guidance for Scottish specific aspects of the form later this year. BAJR has also published A Beginner’s Guide to using OASIS V in England.
Launch date
We have not fixed a firm launch data for moving everyone across to the new form – OASIS V but it will be in the Autumn (2022). All users of the form in Scotland will be notified when an exact date has been set. The existing DES form will remain open to report fieldwork undertaken in 2022 but we expect people to use OASIS V for the 2023 season.
Existing records in OASIS
The ADS will migrate the content of the existing form across just prior to switch over. So any records you have there will be accessible in the new form.
Registering to use the form
Users who are already using OASIS V in England will be unaffected by the migration, your Scottish records will be moved over into your organisational account and you will be told to use the new system only. Your OASIS IV records will be locked so they cannot be edited.
For users who are not yet using it, please be aware that OASIS V uses a completely separate registration to that the old system – this means that your old username and password will not be recognised. The preferred method is that users go to the registration page, sign up sign up and then “join” their organisation. When someone asks to join an organisation the OASIS Helpdesk gets a notification so they can authorise the request just in case of any accidents (e.g. joining the wrong account). This review and authorisation is normally quick, but until a request is approved you will not have access to an account or its records.
Any problems registering or logging on should be directed to the OASIS Helpdesk at where a member of the team will help and advise wherever needed.