Monthly Archives: July 2014

And the winner is……

We were very pleased that the winner of the Goggle Nexus tablet came from the archaeological consultancy sector. From our perspective this is a part of the sector that we sometimes find it difficult to reach and as a result, difficult to assess their requirements, when much of the work in initiating OASIS records falls upon them.

So we were thrilled to find from our winner’s responses that she had a UK wide remit, concentrating on working in the marine environment, and used OASIS to record and report the majority of the projects with which she is involved. It was equally heartening to find that the inclusion of fieldwork reports in the ADS Grey Literature Library was a highly valued outcome and that she had an interest in investigating how OASIS could help in the deposition of both physical and digital archive. Continue reading And the winner is……

Excitement mounts as the OASIS survey closes and the prize is drawn….

With the exception of a couple of late comers we have closed the OASIS user survey. Very many thanks to all of you who took the time to fill in the questionnaire and a special thank you to those who have participated or are going to participate in telephone interviews. One of the things we will be doing early next week is holding the draw to identify the lucky winner of either a Google Nexus tablet or (my favourite) lots of Pizza Express vouchers.


Even the preliminary look at the survey results are providing both interesting and useful for our redevelopment plans. We have had 515 responses in total and the breakdown of those responses can be seen below. When we have had a chance to delve into the questionnaires in more details and analyse them we should be able to start to identify how each of the sectors within the profession interact with OASIS or would wish to interact with it in the future.

Continue reading Excitement mounts as the OASIS survey closes and the prize is drawn….