OASIS: new image upload facility

Some time ago we undertook a small project with Wessex Archaeology looking at the possibility of using the OASIS system to deliver small (under 50) image archives associated with the project recorded in OASIS. The project was to look at the delivery ‘in principle’ of images and used rather old-fashioned technologies to affect the transfer.
With the launch of ADS-easy, our new on-line e-archiving system, we have been able to utilise the functionality of ADS-easy to facilitate the quick upload of these small image archives.

When is it appropriate to use this facility?

We would sometimes expect 2 or 3 images as part of a grey literature report, but not many more than that. For some projects especially things such as small historic building recording we’d expect a few more – this starts to constitute an ‘archive’ and are dealt with, in digital preservation terms, rather differently. This facility does not include a facility to add other data types; if you have produced other things, spreadsheets or CAD, for example, then you may wish to consider using ADS-easy to archive all your project data.
If in doubt have a chat with your local curator who may be able to help you define what constitutes an appropriate archive for your work.
This system is currently only available for contractors working in England and wishing to archive their images with the ADS.

How do I use it?

We’ve tried to keep things simple, but as with any new system, it may take a little getting used to.

1. First complete your OASIS record and upload a grey literature report (this will become part of the archive and sets the images in context)

2. You will see an additional button on the OASIS form summary page called ‘Upload images’ … press it!

3. Download a spreadsheet template to record metadata for your images. It would be worth keeping a copy of this template to use for other projects in the future.

4. Create a ZIP file including both your images (no more than 50) and your single spreadsheet describing them. If you are not familiar with using ZIP files we have written a new OASIS FAQ for you.

5. You will now be ready to press the ‘submit your images for archive’ button within OASIS.

6. You will be taken temporarily out of OASIS and into a section of the ADS-easy system; you’ll know that you are in the right place though because the pages will all be ‘OASIS-purple’.

7. The first time you use this facility you will need to register with ADS-easy; this won’t be necessary for subsequent usage. Registering in ADS-easy is different from OASIS; OASIS is based very much on an ‘organisation’ having an account, whereas ADS-easy registers individuals and links them to an organisation. This is easier for us to administer and is more secure.

8. So type in your own email address and we’ll use some of the information from OASIS to help you complete your registration.

9. You then need to check that you are working with the correct OASIS project. In 99% of cases this will be straightforward, but just in case you’ve clicked on the wrong project when in OASIS we ask you the confirm the project details.

10. Now go to Step 2 (tab at the top) to upload your data.

11. Now’s the time to upload the data; clicking on ‘Upload my data’ will open a window in which you can either browse your files and upload your prepared archive zip, or drag and drop your zip into the window. And click on upload.

12. Finish the upload process by clicking on ‘Finish Uploading Files’ at the bottom of the screen.

13. All that is left is to do a final check and submit the archive in Step 3 (by using the tab at the top) then by clicking the ‘submit’ button and confirming your action. Before submission you do have the option to remove some images if necessary.

14. You can view the summary of your archive by clicking the project summary tab at the top, but all that is left is to return to your project OASIS summary to view your images there. But at this point your archive actions are complete and you could simply log out of ADS-easy and OASIS and have a well-deserved cup of tea (or large gin!).

How much will it cost?

This is a chargeable, fixed-price service which costs £40+VAT per image collection. Image archives submitted using this facility will be processed by the ADS in batches of 8 collections. You will be invoiced for ADS’ work either on completion of each batch of 8 collections or every quarter, whichever is sooner.

We are always looking for ways in which we can improve and make archiving more appealing and easier for you to do. We hope that you find this new facility of some real value and help.

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