Miller, P (1999) ‘The Importance of Metadata in Archaeology’, In Dingwall, L, Exon, S, Gaffney, V, Laflin, S, van Leusen, M. (eds.) Archaeology in the Age of the Internet: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology CAA 97, BAR International Series 750, Tempus Reparatum, Oxford, 133-6.
Richards, J.D. (1999) ‘New on-line catalogue of digital data: ArchSearch’, Editorial Antiquity 73, 11.
Winters, J. (1999) ‘Publishing Archaeology on the Web: just a marriage of convenience?’. The Archaeologist, No 34. Spring 1999.
Winters, J., Heyworth, M., and Richards, J.D. (1999) ‘Internet Archaeology: subscribing to the future’. The Archaeologist, No36. Winter 1999.
Wise, A.L. (1999) ‘Vital Preservation of Great Information: The Archaeology Data Service and Digital Archiving in Archaeology’, In Dingwall, L, Exon, S, Gaffney, V, Laflin, S, van Leusen, M. (eds.) Archaeology in the Age of the Internet: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology CAA 97, BAR International Series 750, Tempus Reparatum, Oxford, 115-6.
Wise, A.L. (1999) ‘British Archaeology Gets Online Catalogue’. SMR News January 1999, 7.
Wise, A.L. and Richards J.D. (1999) ‘Digital Preservation in Archaeology’, In Dingwall, L, Exon, S, Gaffney, V, Laflin, S, van Leusen, M. (eds.) Archaeology in the Age of the Internet: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology CAA 97, BAR International Series 750, Tempus Reparatum, Oxford, 137-42.
ADS (1998) ‘British archaeology gets online catalogue’. The University of York Magazine October 1998, 2.
Condron, F and Wise, A.L. (1998) ‘Final Report from the User Needs Workshop Report’. http://ads.ahds.ac.uk/project/workshop/workshop2_report.html.
Gillings, M and Wise, A.L. (eds) (1998) GIS Guide to Good Practice. Arts and Humanities Data Service, London. http://ads.ahds.ac.uk/project/goodguides/gis/.
Miller, P (1998) ‘Onward to the Brave New World? Preserving a Past for the Future’. Assemblage 3.
Miller, P (1998) ‘Dublin comes to Europe’. Ariadne 14. http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue14/dublin/ .
Wise, A.L. (1998) ‘Promoting Standards in Archaeology’. MDA Information 3(1), 59-62.
Wise, A.L. (1998) ‘GIS Guide to Good Practice’. Archaeological Computing Newsletter 51, 23.
Wise, A.L. (1998) ‘Museums and the Archaeology Data Service’. Museums for the 21st Century. The Museum Archaeologist 24, 7-9.
Wise, A.L. (1998) ‘Digital Preservation and Cultural Heritage: Making it work over the long-term’. National Center for Preservation Technology and Training Notes 25.
Wise, AL (1998) ‘Teaching Resources on the Internet? You Bet!’, CRAFT, 18.
Miller, P (1997) ‘Where are we going, and how do we get there?’. Archives and Museum Informatics 11, 181-190.
Miller, P and Gill T (1997) ‘Metadata Corner: DC5 – the Search for Santa’. Ariadne 12. http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue12/metadata/ .
Miller, P and Greenstein D (eds) (1997) Discovering Online Resources Across the Humanities: a practical implementation of the Dublin Core. UKOLN, Bath.
Miller, P (1997) ‘Metadata for an Integrated Catalogue: First Results from the AHDS/UKOLN Resource Discovery Workshops’. Arts and Humanities Data Service Newsletter 1.2..
Miller, P and Wise, A.L. (1997) ‘Resource Discovery Workshops: final report from the Archaeology Data Service’. http://ads.ahds.ac.uk/project/metadata/workshop1_final_report.html .
Richards, J.D. (1997) ‘Preservation and re-use of digital data: the role of the Archaeology Data Service’. Antiquity 71(274), 1057-1059. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003598X00086014
Wise, A.L. (1997) ‘Preserving Environmental Data’, Association for Environmental Archaeology Newsletter, 58 (November).
Wise, A.L. (1997) ‘The Archaeology Data Service’, NERC Science-Based Archaeology Newsletter, Autumn 1997.
Wise, A.L. (1997) ‘The Archaeology Data Service’, SMR News: The Newsletter of the SMR Software Users Group, Issue 4, April 1997.
Wise, A.L. (1997) ‘The Archaeology Data Service’, Craft 15, Winter 1996-97.
Wise, A.L. (1997) ‘UK Consortium opens Archaeology Data Service’, CSA Newsletter: Computer Technologies for Archaeologists and Architectural Historians, February 1997, Volume 9 (4). http://csanet.org/newsletter/feb97/nl029702.html.
Wise, A. and Miller, P. 1997 Why metadata matters in archaeology, Internet Archaeology 2. https://doi.org/10.11141/ia.2.5
Miller, P (1996) ‘Metadata for the masses: what is it, how can it help me, and how can I use it?’. Ariadne 5. http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue/5/metadata-masses/
Richards, J.D. (1996) ‘The Archaeology Data Service’. Archaeological Computing Newsletter 46, 19-23.
Some Publications about the ADS by others:
Dennett, K (1999) ‘Digital Data: A report from York Archaeological Society Conference June 99’, East Riding Archaeological Society News, no 48, July 1999.
Aldenderfer, M (1998) ‘News and Notes’. Society for American Archaeology Bulletin 16(4), 39.
Building Engineer (1998) ‘Ancient Romans go on-line’. Building Engineer 4A, 110.
Carroll, M.S. (1998) ‘Letters to the Editor’. Society for American Archaeology Bulletin 16(4), 3.
Eiteljorg, H (1998) ‘CAD Guide to Good Practice’. Center for the Study of Architecture Newsletter 11(1), 14.
NERC (1998) NERC Data Policy Handbook (Version 2), National Environment Research Council.
Vince, A (1998) ‘Internet Archaeology: The Future of Archaeological Publication or an Evolutionary Cul-de-SAC?’. Society for American Archaeology Bulletin 16(4), 9-10.
Bethell, H (1997) ‘Scanning the ADS’, The Recorder 56. Worcestershire Archaeological Society.
Eiteljorg, H II (1997) ‘ADS Session at CAA Conference’, CSA Newsletter: Computer Technologies for Archaeologists and Architectural Historians, May 1997, 10(1) http://csanet.org/newsletter/spring97/nl059706.html .
Eiteljorg, H II (1997) ‘Where is the Information? Finding electronic resources is more than half the battle’, CSA Newsletter: Computer Technologies for Archaeologists and Architectural Historians, Fall 1997, 10(2) http://csanet.org/newsletter/fall97/nlf9707.html .
Eiteljorg, H II (1997) ‘Where do we put our Files?’. Society for American Archaeology Bulletin 15(4), 18-19.
English Heritage (1997) Archaeology Division Research Agenda.
Gromaticus (1997) ‘Commentary’, London Archaeologist 8(5):114.
Harden, J and K, Aitchison (eds) (1997) Scottish Archaeological News 24.
Heyworth, M (1997) ‘Internet Noticeboard: Archaeology Data Service’, British Archaeology Briefing, March 1997.
Layton, H (1997) ‘Artefacts Online’, The University of York Magazine, March 1997.
Musty, J (1997) ‘Archaeology Data Service’. Current Archaeology 155, 424-425.
OpusLibri (1997) ‘Archaeology Data Service’. Arti and Umanistica 43.
Pavliscak, P., S, Ross, and C, Henry (1997) ‘Information Technology in Humanities Scholarship: Achievements, Prospects, and Challenges’, The United States Focus. American Council of Learned Societies Occasional Paper 37. http://archives.acls.org/op/37_Information_Technology.htm.
Vince, A. 1997 Editorial, Internet Archaeology 2. https://doi.org/10.11141/ia.2.6
Wise, A (1997) ‘Preserving Environmental Data’, Association for Environmental Archaeology Newsletter, 58 (November).
Bethell, H (1996) ‘Caught in the Net’, The Recorder: Newsletter of the Worcestershire Archaeological Society, Autumn 1996.
Denison, S (1996) ‘Digital Archive’, British Archaeology 18, October 1996.
Eiteljorg, H (1996) ‘UK Consortium Inaugurates Archaeology Data Service’, CSA Newsletter: Computer Technologies for Archaeologists and Architectural Historians, November 1996, Volume 9(3). http://csanet.org/newsletter/nov96/nl119611.html
Greenstein, D. (1996) ‘Serving the Arts and Humanities’. Ariadne 4. http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue/4/ahds/
Ross, S (1995) ‘Preserving and maintaining electronic resources in the visual arts for the next century?’Information Services and Use 15, 373-384.