Realising the European Open Science Cloud Conference (online)
18th November 2020
- SSHOC and Archaeology: Learning from the ARIADNE Portal (no attachment), Holly Wright
SSHOC Considerations for the Vocabulary Platforms (online)
6th November 2020
- Vocabulary mapping tool for archaeology in ARIADNEplus, Holly Wright
European Archaeological Association Conference 2020 (online)
3oth August 2020
Preserving Semi-Current Records: A DPC Briefing Day
15th July 2020
FAIR Heritage (online)
18 June 2020
- Making Archaeology FAIR: in the ADS and ARIADNE, Julian Richards
SEADDA/SSHOC Heritage Data Workshop (online)
2nd April 2020
- Introduction to Saving European Archaeology from the Digital Dark Age, Holly Wright
- Access and Interoperability Policies, Holly Wright
SEADDA WG4 Exploratory Workshop (online)
31st March 2020
- Trust and Re-use, Holly Wright
- Does the data define the user community?, Tim Evans
Digital Pasts, Aberystwyth, UK
13th February 2020
Society for Historical Archaeology 2020 Conference
10th January 2020
- DEBS: Using digital tools in graveyard recording, Julian Richards