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About ADS policies and procedures

Infrastructure policy and procedures

Information security risk assessment

This document outlines the policy procedure for assessing risks to the ADS Information Security and acts as an overarching assessment of all of the risks that may impact specifically upon the ADS technical systems. For the purposes of this document technical systems covers the following overarching elements of the ADS.

Version Status Created Date Last Updated Review Availability
1.6 CURRENT 02 July 2019 14 August 2023 February 2024 Download
1.5 PREVIOUS 02 July 2019 03 August 2022 August 2023 Download
1.4 PREVIOUS 02 July 2019 06 August 2021 August 2022 Download
1.3 PREVIOUS 02 July 2019 22 March 2021 March 2022 Download
1.2 PREVIOUS 02 July 2019 07 August 2020 July 2021 Download
1.1 PREVIOUS 02 July 2019 08 July 2019 July 2020 Download

Systems overview

The Systems Overview document contains a summary of the current digital infrastructure of the ADS. It contains a brief overview of PCs, servers and storage, alongside some of the basic specifications. Please note that parts of this document have been redacted for security reasons.

Version Status Created Date Last Updated Review Availability
1.5 CURRENT 19 October 2017 17 May 2024 17 May 2025 Download

Security overview

The Security Overview document provides a general summary of both technical and wider policy relating to the storage of personal information and datasets.

Version Status Created Date Last Updated Review Availability
1.17 CURRENT 26 January 2012 03 August 2022 August 2023 Download
1.16 PREVIOUS 26 January 2012 09 August 2021 August 2022 Download
1.15 PREVOIUS 26 January 2012 31 July 2020 July 2021 Download
1.14 PREVIOUS 26 January 2012 18 July 2019 January 2020 Download
1.13 PREVIOUS 26 January 2012 30 March 2018 January 2019 Download

Disaster recovery plan

The Disaster Recovery Plan summarises the processes and procedures put in place to protect and recover the ADS infrastructure from natural, human-made or environmental disaster. Please note that parts of this document have been redacted for security reasons.

Version Status Created Date Last Updated Review Availability
1.16 CURRENT 05 July 2006 29 April 2024 April 2025 Download