ARIADNE Final Workshop, Florence, Italy
12th December 2022
- Working Together: using the ARIADNE portal for archaeological research and heritage management (no attachment), Julian Richards
Linked Pasts, York, UK (hybrid)
29th November – 1st December 2022
- Using the ARIADNE portal (no attachment), Julian Richards
ARIADNE Plus Transnational Access (TNA): ADS Data Stewardship Winter School (online)
15 November – 7th December
Introducing the ADS
- Introduction to the ADS, Tim Evans
- Where to start – Knowing and Organising Your Data, Tim Evans and Jenny O’Brien
- The FAIR and CARE data principles, Holly Wright
- ADS Guides to Good Practice and ADS Instructions for depositors, Kieron Niven
Data management
- Introduction to Data Management Planning, Katie Green
- Selection and Retention Strategies, Olivia Foster
- The Importance of Metadata – Discovery and Preservation (no attachment), Jenny O’Brien
- Introduction to Thesauri and Standardised Vocabulary, Tim Evans
Digital Preservation
- Introduction to Digital Preservation, Olivia Foster
- Migration and Normalisation of Files, Kieron Niven
- Workflows for Archives – Tour of the ADS archiving workflow, Tim Evans and Jenny O’Brien
Quality Assurance & Data Reuse
- Quality Assurance, Kieron Niven
- ADS Case study: Monitoring data and data integrity, Kieron Niven
- ADS Case study: Where is our Data: Reaching for the clouds, Tim Evans
- Looking to the Future at ADS, Tim Evans
- Looking to the Future: Data Reuse, Holly Wright
CHNT Conference, Vienna, Austria
11th November 2022
- KEY NOTE: Joined up Thinking: The challenges of large scale data integration (no attachment), Julian Richards
- Joining it all up: new research questions combining site and artefact data in ARIADNE (no attachment), Julian Richards
International Symposium Digital Transformation of Archaeological Data, Seoul, South Korea
28th September 2022
- Sustainability and Interoperability of Heritage Resources (no attachment), Julian Richards
CIfA Archaeological Archives Special Interest Group Annual Conference, Newark, UK
28th September 2022
iPRES, Glasgow, UK
12th – 16th September 2022
- High Speed 2 Case Study: value of metadata. (Lighting talk, no attachment), Teagan Zoldoske
Open Science South Asia Network Conference, Bangalore, India
6th September 2022
- The Importance of Open Data in Archaeology for Preservation and Re-use (no attachment), Julian Richards
European Archaeology Association Conference, Budapest, Hungary
30th August – 2nd September 2022
- One Archive, Many Windows, The HS2 Digital Archive, Katie Green
- Metadata for Discovery – Planning for an Information Network, Teagan Zoldoske
- Data Discovery and Data Re-use in ARIADNE (no attachment), Julian Richards
British Institute in Eastern Africa IRP Course, Nairobi, Kenya (online)
29th June 2022
- Introduction to Digital Archiving, Katie Green
National Workshop, Viminacium, Serbia
19th April 2022
- Saving European Archaeology from the Digital Dark Age, Holly Wright
SSHOC Final Event, Brussels, Belgium
7th April 2022
Data Management and Deposition with the Archaeology Data Service Training Event, York, UK (online)
30th March 2022
- Introduction to the ADS: History and Services, Tim Evans
- Making your data FAIR, Holly Wright
- Data Management Planning: Tools and Tips, Teagan Zoldoske
- The Importance of Being Explicit: Metadata for Data Reuse and Preservation, Jenny O’Brien
- Introduction to Thesauri and Standardised Vocabulary for Heritage, Tim Evans
- Selection and Retention of Data for Long-Term Preservation (no attachment), Katie Green
- Depositing with the ADS, Katie Green
- ADS Special Interfaces, Katie Green
- After the Archive: Digital Publication with Internet Archaeology, Judith Winters
Boundary Objects Project Workshop, UK (online)
19 March 2022
- Tackling the ‘digital divide’ in Museums, Holly Wright
UCL MSc Digital Practice Lecture, London, UK (online)
18th March 2022