Digital praxis för arkeologisk dokumentation: nutid och framtid, Sweden (online)
19th November 2021
- ADS: Archaeology Data Service in Great Britain, Katie Green
Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) Vienna, Austria (online)
2nd November 2021
CIRIA webinar: Archaeology and construction: good practice guidance, UK (online)
20th October 2021
- The value of the archaeological archives created by development (no attachment) Katie Green
European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Kiel, Germany (online)
8th August 2021
- Understanding and Expanding Capacity in Archaeological Data Management Beyond Western Europe, Holly Wright
Computer Applications in Archaeology (CAA) Limassol, Cyprus (online)
15th – 16th June 2021
- Digital Infrastructures and New (and Evolving) Technologies in Archaeology (Roundtable), Holly Wright
- 25 years of trends in digital data deposition at the ADS, Teagan Zoldoske
SSHOC archaeological case study Workshop, (online)
25th May 2021
CIfA2021 Annual Conference, Bath, UK (online)
21st – 24th April 2021
- Historic buildings recording and OASIS, Teagan Zoldoske
- A journey into the unknown: the ADS’s voyage into expanding its dissemination of digital archives, Teagan Zoldoske
- FAIRifying the archaeological dataset, Katie Green
CAA Greece (online)
16th April 2021
- The ARIADNEplus infrastructure for open data and the SEADDA COST Actionfor stewardship and best practice, Holly Wright
UCL MSc Digital Practice, London, UK (online)
18th March 2021
DPC Briefing Day: Do (Preservation) actions speak louder than words?: a briefing day on Preservation Planning and Technology Watch, UK (online)
9th February 2021
Introduction to ADS, Dept of Archaeology, Sheffield, UK (online)
27th January 2021
Innovation Festival, UK (online)
26th January 2021
- Born digital data; a view from the archive, Olivia Foster