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Kajda, K., Marx, A., Wright, H., Richards, J., Marciniak, A., Rossenbach, K. S., Pawleta, M., van den Dries, M. H., Boom, K., Guermandi, M. P., Criado-Boado, F., Barreiro, D., Synnestvedt, A., Kotsakis, K., Kasvikis, K., Theodoroudi, E., Lüth, F., Issa, M. and Frase, I. (2017) Archaeology, Heritage, and Social Value: Public Perspectives on European Archaeology,” European Journal of Archaeology. Cambridge University Press, 21(1), pp. 96–117. https://doi.org/10.1017/eaa.2017.19.
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Niven, K. and Richards, J.D. (2017) The Storage and Long-Term Preservation of 3D Data , in Errickson, D. and Thompson, T. (eds) Human Remains: Another Dimension. The Application of Imaging to the Study of Human Remains. Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-804602-9.00013-8
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Galeazzi, F., Callieri, M., Dellepiane, M., Charno, M., Richards, J.D. and Scopigno, R. (2016) ‘Web-based visualization for 3D data in archaeology: The ADS 3D viewer’, Jrnl Archaeol Sci: Reports 9, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.06.045
Green, K., Niven, K. and Field G. (2016) ‘Migrating 2 and 3D Datasets: Preserving AutoCAD at the Archaeology Data Service’. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf., 5(4), 44. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi5040044.
Richards, J.D., Tudhope, D. and Vlachidis, A. (2015) ‘Text Mining in Archaeology: Extracting Information from Archaeological Reports”. In, J.A. Barceló and I. Bogdanovic (eds.) Mathematics in Archaeology. Science Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida, 240-54. https://doi.org/10.1201/b18530
Moore, R. and Richards, J.D (2015) ‘Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Open Access, Open Data and Digital Preservation’ in A.T. Wilson and B. Edwards (eds.) Open Source Archaeology: Ethics and Practice. Dr Gruyter Open, 30-43. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110440171
Richards, J.D. and Winters, J. (2015) ‘Digging into data: Open Access and Open Data’, PostClassical Archaeologies 5, 285-98. http://www.postclassical.it/PCA_Vol.5_files/Richards-Winters_PCA5_print.pdf
Richards, J.D. (2015) ‘Ahead of the curve: adventures in e-publishing in Internet Archaeology’ Archäologische Informationen 38, 63-71. https://doi.org/10.11588/ai.2015.1
Evans, T.N.L. and Moore, R.H. (2014) ‘Beyond ‘The Preserving machine’: Promoting Use and Reuse of Grey Literature and Grey Data’. The Archaeological Review from Cambridge. Vol 29.2. 212-225.
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Niven, K. (ed.) (2013) Caring for Digital Data in Archaeology. ADS/Digital Antiquity Guides to Good Practice, Oxbow Books.
Richards, J.D., Jeffrey, S. & Niven, K. (2013) ‘Preserving our Digital Heritage: Information Systems for data management and preservation’. in Ch’ng, E. and Gaffney, V. (eds), Visual Heritage in the Digital Age. Springer-Verlag. 311-326. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-5535-5_16
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Bateman, J. & Jeffrey, S. (2011) ‘What Matters about the Monument: reconstructing historical classification’, Internet Archaeology, Issue 29 http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue29/bateman_index.html
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Austin, T. (2010) “ADS+ and Fedora Commons” in CSA Newsletter XXIII, No. 1. Online at http://csanet.org/newsletter/spring10/nls1001.html.
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Hardman, C. (2010) Our grey literature legacy: opportunity of headache?, The Archaeologist, Summer 2010, Number 76, 40-41. https://www.archaeologists.net/sites/default/files/ta76.pdf
Jeffrey, S. (2010) Resource Discovery and Curation of Complex and Interactive Digital Datasets. In Gardner, H. & Bailey, C. (Eds.) 2010, Re-visualising Visual Culture, AHRC ICT Methods Network, Ashgate, London.
Jeffrey, S. (2010). ‘The colourful story of the grey literature library’, British Archaeology, No 112, ISSN 1357-4442, Council for British Archaeology, April 2010.
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Mitcham, J. (2010) Who’s Who: sixty second interview with Jen Mitcham, Archaeology Data Service. What’s New – Issue 25, May 2010. DPC and DCC on-line newsletter http://www.dpconline.org/newsroom/whats-new/584-whats-new-in-digital-preservation-issue-25#whoswho25
Mitcham, J., Niven, K., Richards, J. (2010) ‘Archiving Archaeology: Introducing the Guides to Good Practice’ In A. Rauber, M. Kaiser, R. Guenther & P. Constantopoulos (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects. iPRES 2010. Vienna, Austria. September 19-24, Austrian Computer Society, Vienna. https://ipres-conference.org/ipres10/papers/mitcham-54.pdf
Mitcham, J. and Richards, J. (2011) ‘Digital archiving at the Archaeology Data Service: a quest for OAIS compliance’, In eds E. Jerem, F. Redő and V. Szeverényi (eds.) On the road to reconstructing the past, Proc. 36th Int. Conf. on Computer Applications and Quantative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Proceedings of the 36th International Conference. Budapest, April 2-6, 2008. Archeaeolingua, Budapest, 429-434 https://proceedings.caaconference.org/paper/cd57_mitcham_richards_caa2008/
Richards, J., Austin, T. and Hardman, C. (2010) ‘Covering the Costs of Digital Curation’. Heritage Management, 3:2, 255-263. https://doi.org/10.1179/hma.2010.3.2.255
Richards, J.D., Jeffrey, S., Ciravegna, F., Waller, S., Chapman, S., and Zhang, Z., (2011) ‘The Archaeology Data Service and the Archaeotools project: faceted classification and natural language processing’. In Kansa, E. C, Kansa, S. W, & Watrall, E. (eds.) Archaeology 2.0 and Beyond: New Tools for Collaboration and Communication, Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, 31-56. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/1r6137tb
Richards, J.D., Winters, J., and Charno, M. (2011) ‘Making the LEAP: Linking Electronic Archives and Publications’, in Jerem, E., Redő, F and Szeverényi, V. (eds) On the Road to Reconstructing the Past. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA). Proceedings of the 36th International Conference. Budapest, April 2-6, 2008. Archeaeolingua, Budapest, 141-146 https://proceedings.caaconference.org/files/2008/CD63_Richards_et_al_CAA2008.pdf
Some Publications about the ADS by others:
Rodier, X (2011) “Archaeology Data Service, un site au service des archéologues britanniques” M@ppemonde http://mappemonde.mgm.fr/num28/internet/int10401.html