Project planning and requirements
Project planning requirements will vary dramatically depending on many factors including: the type of object(s); state of preservation; species; size of samples; whether destructive sampling is allowed; financial resources. What and how to sample should be carefully considered following standard dendrochronological procedures (table 1) while making informed decisions about what metadata to collect.
Table 1: Examples of national guidelines for dendrochronological analyses.
Country | Author | Year | Title |
NL | Jansma | 2002 | Veldhandleiding dendrochronologisch onderzoek |
NL | Jansma | 2006 | Nederlandse onderzoeksagenda voor archeologie: Dendrochronologie |
UK | Historic England | 1998 | Dendrochronology: Guidelines on producing and interpreting dendrochronological dates |
IT | UNI | 2004 | Cultural heritage – Wooden artefacts – Wood dendrochronological dating guidelines |
Metadata should follow the Tree Ring Data Standard (TRiDaS) data model which provides the ability to record a wealth of information. Not all TRiDaS fields will be applicable at any one time, but consider recording as much metadata as possible without adding an undue burden to the project. If you have very simple research goals you may need very little metadata to achieve your aims, but with the addition of just a few metadata fields, it is likely your dataset will be of much greater use to you and fellow researchers in the future.