Suggested reading
The titles in this section are intended to get the student started in the field of digital AP and RS data handling. The basic texts are Wilson 1982 and 2002 for aerial photography and Lillesand and Kiefer 1994 for aerial photography, remote sensing and image processing. The former is still the best introductory source available; the latter is a clear, cheap, and lavishly illustrated handbook unrivalled for the past 20 years.
For more in-depth reading, the UK student should consult Palmer and Cox 1993 and Bewley 1993, who provide an overview of current aerial photography use in professional archaeology; Scollar et al. 1990, which provides full technical background to all the important processing steps for both types of data; and, lastly, the manuals that go with the software the student will be using – these nearly always have general sections explaining how various types of digital data are collected, how they are structured, what their limitations are, and what approach the software makers have taken toward solving particular types of problems.
The French student may find Agache 1978, Barisano 1988, Chevallier 1964, and Chouquer 1996 interesting starting points. The German student may find Esch 1997 or Scollar 1965 useful starting points.
Suggested reading list
Agache, R. (1978) La Somme Pre-Romaine et Romaine. Amiens.
Barisano, E. (1988) Teledetection et cartographie thematique en archeologie. CNRS, Paris.
Bewley, R. H. (1993) ‘Aerial photography for archaeology’ in J. Hunter and I. Ralston (eds.) Archaeological Resource Management in the UK: an Introduction Stroud. pp.197-204.
Chevallier, R. (1964) L’avion a la decouverte du passe. Paris.
Chouquer, G. (ed) (1996) Les formes du paysage – etudes sur les parcellaires. Paris.
Esch, A. (1997) Romische strasse in ihrer Landscahft. Mainz.
Lillesand, T. M. and Kiefer, R. W. (1994) Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, 3rd edition. Wiley and Sons.
Palmer, R. and Cox, C. (1993) Uses of Aerial Photography in Archaeological Evaluations. Institute of Field Archaeologists Technical Paper 12, Birmingham.
Scollar, I, (1965) Archaologie aus der Luft. Dusseldorf.
Scollar, I., Tabbagh, A., Hesse, A. and Herzog, I. (1990) Archaeological Prospecting and Remote Sensing. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Wilson, D. R. (1982) Air Photo Interpretation for Archaeologists. Batsford, London.